Benefit #2: Higher engagement and improved retention rates
Retain your company’s most critical asset—your people. Workvivo’s engagement tools enable employees to feel more connected and included in the wider organization, leading to higher company loyalty.
Increase in employee engagement
Saved in employee attrition costs

Benefit #4: Productivity savings for senior directors
Workvivo’s digital workplace enabled a straightforward procedure for senior directors to reach, inform, and track teams while having to reply to fewer emails and chats.
Combined weekly time saved for all senior directors
Productivity gains seen by senior directors

Download the full TEI study
When organizations connect on Workvivo, people get closer, teamwork is smoother, and the culture becomes stronger. We're thrilled that Forrester's study shows the tangible benefits this connectivity brings to everyone – from frontline workers to desk-based teams.
The Total Economic Impact™ of Workvivo, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting, August 2024. Results are over three years for a composite organization based on interviewed customers.