Connecting Retail Workers: Your Ultimate Guide to Internal Comms

Lisa Ardill
Content Editor at Workvivo
Get your copy


Lisa Ardill
Content Editor at Workvivo
Your retail staff are on the very front line of your organization. No matter how carefully you craft your branding, marketing, and corporate values, it’s all for nothing if your retail workers are not effectively promoting them to your customers.
But connecting with retail staff has always been a challenge for internal communicators. The sector has a high concentration of part-time or casual employees, who typically feel less connected to their organization. And rotating shift patterns mean everyone is rarely together at the same time. Meeting your retail employees where (and when) they are is key, and the right IC strategy will make all the difference.
In this guide – the ultimate handbook to help you understand communicating with your retail staff – we’ll show you why it’s so important to invest your time and money in, and how to get it right.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
- Internal communications – what is it?
- Why is internal communications so important?
- The challenges of internal comms for retail staff
- How to nail your retail internal comms strategy
- The must-haves of internal comms for retail workers
And so much more!
No matter if you are an employee, a HR manager, Chief People Officer or CEO – you’ll find something valuable here.